G.S.S. Fly'N'Shoot

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Gudersnipe School Ship Fly'N'Shoot is a large scout ship operated as part of the Gudersnipe School fleet, and the largest ship ever fielded to be designated a 'scout ship'. Initially, the vessel was constructed as a prototype for a new super-heavy dreadnaught, and was one of the largest battleships constructed until the Sahar Jusenkyou-Class Carrier.


During the Kamian Succession Wars, the Foundation was struggling to field enough capitol ships to deal with the Kamian onslaught. A team operating out of Gudersnipe School had designs for a super-heavy dreadnaught-type battleship, one which would be "40% larger than an average capitol ship and pack more than three times the fire-power"

Two designs were finalized and slated for a metal-prototype, one equipped with a massive, fixed forward-facing cannon, and the other without. The second unit was accepted for mass-production, and went on to become the Overtake-Class Superheavy Dreadnaught, which is still in production. The other prototype was never formally finished, and the incomplete hull was taken to Gudersnipe School.

Over the course of several years, various groups of students made major modifications to the design, heavily customizing the ship, and finally commissioning it as a long-range vessel.

The Fly'N'Shoot was formally commissioned and entered service in A.Y. 6504. It spent the rest of the war on a series of missions deep behind enemy lines, returning only occasionally for repair and re-fit.

Combat Role

Normally a ship the size of the Fly'N'Shoot would require an entire battle group for support, but the main goal of the modifications was to allow the ship to survive on it's own. It had bays large enough to accommodate several fighter wings and a small fleet of corvettes. These were employed to run point and warn the ship of potential threats. The main function of the Fly'N'Shoot was orbital bombardment. The ship traveled around behind enemy lines going after soft-targets. Its weapons could annihilate entire cities from orbit.

The goal was never to bring the ship into a direct confrontation with other capitol ship. It was designed as a battery ship, but the modifications included improved engines and shields to help it get close to and then away from targets. It was also equipped with a large main weapon that could destroy most Kamian ships in a single shot, if they could get close enough to use it.