Trans-Draconic Navy

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The Trans-Draconic Space Navy (TDN for short) is a branch of the New Alliance military equipped for space combat. While the forces are relatively small as compared to those of the in-atmosphere branches, they are considered sufficient for duties in the Trans-Draconic Federation's limited holdings in [Known Worlds#Finite Dimension|finite dimensions]].


Capitol Fleets

The Capitol ships of the TDN are built and designed in-house, though use considerable amounts of license-built technology from the Gudersnipe Foundation. The dragons own a large-scale Python Reactor fabrication plant that sells FTL drives for commercial use, but also produces high-endurance drives for their military ships. The quality is such that drives are occasionally sold to the Foundation when their own production needs fall short.

One key difference is the use of nuclear reactors on TDN ships(as opposed to the much safer Nugen Reactors employed by the Foundation). While the nuclear reactors are more fragile, they offer numerous advantages that the dragons feel outweighed the risks, as well as being constructed "in house" instead of having to purchase reactors from the Foundation. Most ships employ fast-fission breeder-type reactors which can also be used to produce fissile material for nuclear armaments.

Sub Capitols and Support Ships

Most of the support fleet ships are purchased surplus from the Gudersnipe Foundation's Crimson Blade, then heavily refitted. A few are purchased directly from Foundation shipyards new, but most are bought after their Crimson Blade service lifespans. This has garnered criticism for the TDN, centered on the idea that they view support ships are expendable. While there is some truth to this, the reality is that the Federation views the decisions as pragmatic: support vessels are much more likely to find themselves serving alongside Foundation ships, and being based on similar designs with many similar parts provides considerable eases on the logistical strains. Under grand-standardization, Foundation ships share many, many common parts, even between fleet revisions, so maintaining an aging fleet of refit ships is considerably cheaper and easier than building new ones.


Unlike the Foundation, the TDN uses fighters primarily in point-defense and anti-fighter roles. Fighters are small and manuverable, with an emphasis on interceptor-style designs. As such, they are carried by a wide variety of ships, though dedicated carriers are common.


While sharing considerable technological overlap, the TDNs warfare tactics differ heavily from those of the Foundation's Crimson Blade. TDN schools of thought do not pit fighters and support ships against enemy capitol ships, but rather center around capitol-to-capitol conflict. On the whole, the TDN is focused on the notion of force-projection, E.G. that the presence of a sizable fleet should prevent an open conflict. While the Foundation has frequently employed a similar tactic, they are known to always have the strength to back up their projections. Both differ heavily from the NASN.

Despite this, smaller TDN ships tend to be more capable, longer-endurance vessels designed to hold their own. A TDN destroyer can more easily operate independent of a battle group than a typical