MRPG Rogue Old

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Revision as of 21:35, 12 July 2012 by CourseDirector (talk | contribs) (See Also:)
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The CourseDirector happens to hate rogues. Not because of PvP, but because he finds the whole concept and play style to be uncompromisingly boring. However, that does not mean he will not put much effort into the class.

In Mage Wars RPG, Rogues will be more about evasion and deception. They have high stealth-capabilities, and most of their facets and skills revolve around hiding, staying hidden, and returning to stealth after an attack.

Rogues will not have high DPS(this has never made sense, as they use the lightest, smallest weapons in any game). Instead, rogues will focus heavily on making their attacks actually land. Damage may low, but per-attack more attacks will strike home, giving them good DOT.

In a party-setting, the rogue's job is to bring down the target's Defense Value with a flury of high-speed attacks, allowing the warrior to land one large, slow attack for massive damage.

Rogues will also have good burst-damage, being able to hit hard and fast, but only for a brief period of time before they have to stealth again.

See Also: