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Uther was the first Pendragon of Slayer Dragons. Among his people men do not have last names, so he is only Uther.

Notable Achievments

Uther is perhaps the most important figure in Course Books history as he is credited with ending the Mage Wars, a bloody series of conflicts which had gone on for over 3700 years by that point. His campaign lasted approximately six years, and ended with the formation of the Alliance.

He is also best known as the founder of the Slayer Dragons, and he and his first group were known as The Ten.

Speculations of Dragon Heritage

Uther grew up in Stormreaver Valley in what would later become the city of Arindell. Essentially, he was born and raised in the shadow of the High Mountain Flight. The Atayans living in the valley had some sort of peace with the dragons, though why is not known. It has been theorized on numerous occasions that Uther had some dragon ancestry, as did all the Atayans living in the valley. However, DNA mapping that could detect dragon blood was not perfected until the late Sixth Age, so it remains only a theory.

Interesting fact:

Though Uther is praised in song and story as some sort of larger-than-life hero, who's deeds cannot be measured and who's courage is without equal, the actual man was somewhat less impressive. History remembers him as a great man partially because he wrote much of it, and also because despite the name of the Golden Age, the early years during which Uther still lived were extremly turbulent. The legend of Uther then became an important stabalizing factor, as he still lived and still led the Alliance. He had to be a great man and he had to have an unbelievable reputation, otherwise his word alone could not have stabalized entire nations.

The truth, however, is that Uther actually won the Mage Wars by simply fighting dirtier than everyone else. His tactic was simply to find his adversaries biggest weakness and exploit it as hard and fast as possible.

It is a true testiment to the power of propoganda that he is remembered best for his honor.